Bitou Spelling Stars 2019
The ‘Bitou Spelling Stars’ standoff was held at the Kwanokuthula Primary School on the 3rd, 4th and 11th of September 2019.
Six schools entered the spelling competition this year, proving the success and capabilities of this initiative.
Kwanokuthula Primary, Phakamisani Primary, Kranshoek Primary, Plett Primary, Crags Primary & Formosa Primary learners were all given a list of words, pertaining to their grades, in both English and isiXhosa.
All learners competed in internal school challenges, where the overall achievers were selected to represent their grade and school at the inter-school event.
Kwanokuthula Primary School Principal, Mr Faleni, expressed his pleasure in the progress the learners have shown since introducing the Spellathon.
“The initiative has encouraged all our learners to improve their reading and comprehension skills, further developing their literacy outcomes.
“It provides a platform to promote healthy competition in supportive environments, while also improving learners’ confidence to speak in public.”
Mr Faleni welcomed five new schools on board, “this shows the beginning of the integration, that is so necessary for the development of all our students.”
Mr Faleni ended off by commending his staff and the Bitou 10 Foundation for their successful contribution towards the program.
The IsiXhosa foundation phase, Grade 1 – 3 kicked off the inter-school events. Followed by the English Grade 1 – 3’s who enjoyed their time in the limelight. A week later the Grade 4 – 7 finalised the challenge.
From grade one to seven, learners had studied their words exceptionally well and this kept the competition tough.
“The children are benefiting greatly from the Spellathon. They have shown an eagerness to learn their words and the reading aptitude has increased considerably.” says VolunteerSA co-ordinator, Pippa Ford.
A special thank you is extended to: The Kwanokuthula Municipal Library, teachers and the judges, for assisting with the organisation of the initiative.
Well done to all the children from all six schools, who have excelled beyond their means, making their principals and teachers very proud!
The winners and runner ups will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on 24 October 2019.
For more information on the Bitou Spelling stars or to sponsor towards this initiative, contact the Bitou 10 Foundation via email or call 044 533 6466.